Thursday, April 1, 2010

Silly milk at Nana's house

When Ella was a wee lass she got the idea in her head that she wanted chocolate milk. So I made her some with Hershey's syrup, only I put just the tiniest bit of syrup. Enough that she could see it on the bottom of the glass (and she always checked to see if it was there). As long as she could see that little swirl of chocolate through the bottom of her sippy cup, she believed she was drinking chocolate milk. She was happy, I was happy, her teeth and body were happy. It was a mothers dream. Then one day Krogers had a sale on their chocolate milk. You know the kind. Tons of High Fructose Corn Syrup and sugar and TONS of chocolaty goodness. It is yummy, but definitely not good for you. Well, Dad gives some to Ella, as a treat, and she gets this wondrous look on her face. "What kind of milk is this grandpa?" she asked amazed at the candybar in a cup she has been given. "It's chocolate milk Ella" He told her. "No Grandpa, this isn't chocolate milk (uh-oh, I have been found out!) this milk tastes SILLY! This is Silly milk."

And so "Silly milk" was born. That is Ella's special name for store bought chocolate milk. She still gets Mommies version at home, but since then Grandpa has made sure to always have some silly milk on hand for when Ella visits. Ella LOVES silly milk. (really, what kid doesn't?) and it is almost always the first thing she asks for upon arriving at Nana and Grandpas house. Well, one day Wes found a half empty cup of the stuff on the floor and discovered that he too loves silly milk. Now when we are at my parents house and Ella has a sippy cup he goes crazy, reaching and making his sign for "I want that!". He tries to steal Ella's cup. So now he gets to have silly milk too. But only at Nana's! Now if their teeth rot out, I can totally blame my parents!


  1. Don't blame me! Blame your father!

  2. Hahahaha! Your mom's comment cracks me up!!
    I love "silly milk" too. And don't worry, their teeth won't rot out. At least all my kids are still okay. :)
