Today started out humid hot and blustery. I thought it was going to rain, but it didn't by the time we were ready to leave the house so we headed over to the park around 9am to get a little exercise. The kids had a blast and so did I. We were all over the park trying everything but in the end Wes stuck with his favorite activity of "weee-ing" (sliding) and Ella spent almost 15-20 min spinning on the tire swing. (this ended poorly as she got motion sick and threw up in the car!) After the park we dropped some things off at Mom's house and then headed over to Gymnastics. Wesley's trusty new trains did the trick for the third week in a row and kept him completely occupied so that I could watch Ella to her stuff. She is definitely getting better and seems to be enjoying herself more. After gym we stopped by the grocery store for dinner stuff then home for naps, which neither of them took. I made Wes stay in his room for almost the whole time though. I finally let him out a half hour early. I think he is feeling poorly, which may have caused him to have trouble sleeping. The second half of our day was filled with drenching rain and tornado sirens. The sirens went off again and again. It was nerve racking! No tornadoes hit near us, so that was good.

I got a little nauseous just reading about spinning for that long! But it used to be one of my favorite activities. Glad everyone is safe. GMay