Today was Wesley's 12 month Well-baby visit at Cornerstone pediatrics. We see Dr. Johnson and we love him! Ella stayed with Mom while I took Wes over to the Dr.'s. He was weighed, measured and poked and prodded. He ended up getting 3 shots and a finger prick to test Iron. Turns out we have a big, happy, healthy boy who is slightly ahead of the curve in his motor/language skills. Yea! for healthy babies!
Wesley was 23lbs 7oz fully clothed (60% for weight) 31 1/2 inches tall (90% for height) and his head was 47cm around (60%.
Happy boy in the car before the dr, he wasn't quite this happy as we left, he was mad about the shots!
Having breakfast/a snack waiting for the Dr. Wes decided to sleep in until 9:45 so we didn't' have time for breakfast before our appointment.
After our appointment we spent most of the rest of the day driving Mom around town so she could get things done. We love spending the day with Nana.
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
2 years ago
Wesley sure is a cute little boy!