Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wasteing time.

Everyone has something they do that sucks up time. When you are bored, or tired, or spent or just need to relax, there are things that make us happy. I LOVE to read. When I have a good book, I often can't stop reading until it is done. When I have a good book, I spend a lot of time in the backyard with the kids. I "watch" them from the hammock as they play and I get to immerse myself into an exotic world of fiction. Another time-suck for me is TV. I love TV, happily for my kids, with the power of TiVO I am able to limit my tv watching to when they are sleeping. I find TV very relaxing. I get to just tune in and not think about the gazillion chores I have waiting for me. It is a great way for me to just rest after a long day. The last of my major time wasters right now is Bejewled Blitz on Facebook. I love playing and it is perfect for a mom. 1 min, that is all it takes. 1 min of your time and you have played a game. I start a game on the computer and Ella needs something, no problem "1 min" I can say, and it literally is. I love this short and fast paced game. I have always enjoyed computer games, but these days I rarely have more than a min or two to play. That doesn't work with most games so I don't get to play much. Now that I have discovered the perfect 1 min game, I play it a lot in between chores, playing with the kids, and working, it is only 1 min right? Today I happily played Bejewled while the kids sweetly played with their ball popper. What a nice 1 min that was!


  1. I like that you're the winner!

    my timewasters are the same except instead of bejeweled blitz it's www.joyofbaking.com and instead of 1 minute it's an hour at least... :P


  2. Hmmmm, my time waster? Is probably searching blogs, writing and relaxing in front of a good movie. Of course I get really bored with those after awhile, well all, but writing that is. I have never heard of bejeweled. Looks interesting and not bad for taking only 1 min.! :)
