Today we got some pea gravel from Lowes to fill up our sandbox. You see, Ella got a sandbox for her first birthday from Nana and Grandpa. But Jon doesn't like sand. (he is right, it DOES get everywhere) so for the past few years we have used it as a baby pool in the summer. The problem is, it is really too small for a baby pool for Ella anymore. I hated to see it go to waste, and the kids loved playing in Nana and Grandpa's sandbox, so I had to figure out what to do. I discovered the solution a week or two ago at a playdate at my friend Karen's house. They had filled their sand pit with pea gravel. The joy of digging, dumping and burying, without the mess of sand. It only cost me $14 to get enough gravel to fill the box, and the kids spent over an hour playing in it this morning. The only down side is I think I should have washed the rocks first, since they came out pretty dirty. Now I have to figure out a way to get the rocks clean... Anyway, the kids had a blast and I think they will enjoy playing in the rocks for a while.
Brand new sandbox/pool

Gravel pit

I Love that idea! I'm going to do that when I make CJ's sandbox! Thanks!