Sunday, June 6, 2010


Usually Jon reads Ella a book before bed, unless it is too late. Tonight it was too late. Bedtime is normally between 7:30-8pm, tonight we watched a movie with Mom and Dad since Jon has tomorrow off (Happy anniversary to us!), and so we got home around 9:30. After telling Ella it was too late for a book she replied. "But I need to read my scriptures so that I can learn how to obey Heavenly Father" Well then, OK. So Jon read her a short story from her illustrated bible stories.
Clever girl.


  1. she's a velociraptor!

    I have very fond memories of dad reading me bible stories at bedtime. :] samson was my favorite. Still is I think!

  2. They are so clever aren't they?!

  3. So cute and honest! :) Happy Anniversary! Now you'll have to do a post just on you two. :)
