Today was a great day all around. Working out, shopping with my Mom and Sister at Bridgestreet, lunch at Connors, a whirlwind clean up of the house and putting dinner in the crockpot, Karate and finally, a fantastic dinner/FHE with the Moore family. I have been wanting to get to know this family better for a long time, but now that I am old, time moves so quickly and "sometime" turns in to years later. (Plus, I always thought that Sarah was way too cool for me!) Anyway, on sunday they accepted our invitation and we had a blast tonight. Dinner went well, and all the kids even ate my curry. Then we had a short FHE lesson and 9 year old H taught us a game that she had made up. It was super cute. We ended up with a fantastic dessert idea from Sarah, Microwave s'mores! I had a great time, I hope that we can hang out with them again sometime soon.
Yes, you are very old. But at least you are cool. :)