Today we had a slower day. We went back to universal and walked around there. We went to the twister show, a really cool simulated twister showing how they made the movie. We went to the disaster ride. The cast a few audience members as extras in a disaster movie (mom was the gardening granny) and then we went to the sound stage and filmed their parts. I got "cast" as the screaming lady. Once the parts were filmed we all got onto a subway car to film the group scene. Then we got to be in a simulated earth quake where the train bucked on the track, the cealing caved in, a rush of water came at us and such. It was really neat. We also took the kids on the woody woodpecker kiddie roller coaster, everyone but wes and mom went on the dark indoors mummy roller coaster. We went on the simpsons ride and to the beatlejuice grave yard review. We ate lunch at a irish pub themed resteraunt. I had a fantastic shepheards pie. It was a fantastic day.
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