Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dick and Jane

Every night it is Jon's job to read a book to/with Ella. A month or two ago I started to try and teach Ella how to read using the book "Dick and Jane". My sisters and I all learned how to read using these books. Ella is doing an awesome job. She does a much better job staying on task for Jon than she does for me, so for their bedtime reading they have been working on the books. I love hearing her learn new words and watching Jon as he is so very patient with her. I can't believe that my baby is big enough to read! I am so happy that she is enjoying reading and is so excited to learn. I hope that I can share my love of reading with her throughout our whole lives.


  1. Loved the projects y'all are working on in your last post.
    Ella looks like she is really enjoying her reading. Heath could care less about books, so we shall see what he does in the reading arena. ;)

  2. How great is that! I am so impressed your are still doing the 365 day project. Keep it up!

  3. Kierstyn LOVED those books, and that's how she learned to read, too.

  4. LOVE those books. Isn't it amazing/heartbreaking when they start to read on their own??
