Today Mom and I decided to take all 4 kids down to Early Works, now that I have a membership. Except for when we got there we found out that it is closed on Mondays! Jeez, think we should have checked that BEFORE we left home? So we decided to go over to Big Spring Park and feed the ducks some of our snacks. The kids LOVED chasing the ducks and feeding them and the fish some cheese-its. Wesley and Jonas were a little too facinated by the water in the canals, so we didn't stay as long as the girls wanted us too. But luck would have it that the play fountains behind Early Works were on, so we strolled over there and stripped down the kids. They had a BLAST in the water. I think this is both Wesley and Jonas's first time in jumping fountains and they had NO fear. Wes quite enjoyed himself, but nothing could compare with the look of shear JOY that Jonas wore the entire time. he was DELIGHTED by the water and didn't want to leave. The girls jumped right in and had a great time splashing and getting completely soaked. After a while, Wesley thought trying to escape was WAY more fun than getting wet so we packed up the kids and started back towards the car. It was still only about 10:45ish, so we figured we would hit the Mall playground and grab some lunch too. The kids played so nicely and all ate their lunch. Can you believe that with 2 4 year old girls and 2 1 year old boys we had absolutely NO FIGHTING the whole morning? Even better than that, we had no whining, no disobedience, and no crying the whole morning either. (well, a little crying, but only when Ella got hurt and it was over quickly). We had an awesome day. After we left the mall the boys (and grownups) were pooped so I dropped off Mom and the Kugler kids and took mine home for naps. The winning streak continued and both my kids went down for their naps with no problems and are still sleeping an hour later. SCORE! I have been mucking about on the computer and such, instead of doing the cleaning like I should, so I guess I will just end with some great pictures of the kids before heading off to do the housework.

What a fun morning! Looks sunny and warm too - we're having a very hard time getting rid of winter! Love, Grandma May