Today was our day to get back into routine. I accidently set my alarm for 6:30PM instead of 6:30am, so we got off to a late start, but I got Ella off to school on time. After drop off I got things done around the house until it was time for Working out with Mom and Kerri. After the Gym we headed out to do some shopping. We managed to get home shortly before Ella was to get home and I started on a project that I have been planning since my Ollivanders experience.
I wanted to have a way to display my wand, something as special as my experience was, so I created a plaque with the ollivanders logo and the details of my wand. I love the way it turned out! I found the Ollivanders logo on line and printed it out in the size I wanted. Then I used an old pen to trace around the words on a piece of wood I got at Hobby Lobby. Then I traced over the dents I made in the wood with a marker. I printed out the details of my wand on another sheet of paper and did the same to transfer it. Then I used my Dads Dremmel to carve out the design. I sanded down the edges, filled the carved part with black paint and then did a white-wash type finish over that. I finished by screwing on two hooks at the bottom to hold the wand. Now I can hang it on my wall and remove it any time I like to play with it!
I may have to go back around the letters with a paint pen or sharpie to get a cleaner line on the letters, but for now I like it as is.