Monday, July 13, 2020

Tubing on the river at Zion National park

Since we couldn't hike the narrows or really go into the park at all, we spent most of the day around the campground.  We walked over to the visitor center and signed the kids up for Junior Rangers and got their books, bought some souvenirs and then went across to the little town outside the park and Grandpa bought the kids some river tubes. 

 We went back to camp and blew them up then spent the rest of the day down at the river.  The kids had great fun floating down the river, then they floated a bit further down and found a swimming hole with a rope swing and spent a lot of time down there jumping in the water.  The grownups sat in chairs cooling off and reading books and chatting. It was a very chill day, but relaxing.  At the end of the day, we made dinner for the kids, then dad took the grownups out for Thai food, which was delicious!

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