This morning I finally got around to a project that has been swimming around my head for a while. My dad installed a rod over the sink for my mom to hang her pots and pans on. Freeing up precious cabinet space. I really liked this idea and figured out the perfect spot for one of my own. In my "laundry room" which is really part of my kitchen there is a space between two overhead cabinets where the breaker box lives. I thought that since we only need to rarely get to the breaker box this would be the perfect place to hang my pots. We can still move them to get to the fuses so I went to lowes this morning and bought the stuff. Jon helped my install it and it looks great! I was able to actually put food in one of my cupboards for the first time! It really freed up a lot of space.

This afternoon/evening we had a chance to listen to an Apostle of the Lord at Stake conference. Jon attended a special priesthood leadership question and answer session which he said was WONDERFUL. and later we both attended the adults only session. His talk was great and very inspiring. He spoke about how to bring all the aspects of living the gospel into just 2 things. Living worthy to enter the temple, and inviting the Holy Ghost into our lives. He said that our "checklists" i.e. read the scriptures, say prayers, FHE, visiting teaching, all boils down to these two things. It was a wonderful talk and I can't wait to hear him speak again at the general session of conference tomorrow.