All weekend the weathermen freaked out about the storm coming. IT IS A BIG ONE! they said. I didn't believe them. THERE WILL BE SNOW! I didn't believe them. 6 INCHES!!!! 8 INCHES!!! A MOUNTAIN OF SNOW RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! I... didn't believe them. This is Alabama people, we don't DO snow.
If you had ever been in Alabama during tornado season you would understand my skepticism. Tornados! they cry, (no Tornadoes) Close the schools! they advise (No tornadoes) Go lay in a ditch! They admonish (no Tornadoes!). So my confidence in them is well, not very high. They predict snow all the time too, usually with hopeful puppy eyes... please weather, please snow for us, we need you to do SOMETHING so that we can justify interrupting the season finally of Survivor for this update, the fans might mob and kill us if you don't snow, just a little, PLEASE??
My faith is not strong in them.
Well. They were right about the snow. Thanks guys. The one time you had to be right was when you predicted piles of the yucky white stuff? I REALLY appreciate it. I didn't even go out and get any Milk, bread or eggs. Now what am I going to do?
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
2 years ago
So... you DON'T like snow?? Wow. I must, I think it looks beautiful out there right now. Just so long as I don't have to venture in it anymore than needs be!