Today he felt a little bit better, but he decided that, sick or not, he was gonna help as much as he could. We started out researching sinks. The beautiful sink I had originally bought and paid for still hadn't arrived (2 weeks later) so I called the company and found out that it was back ordered until JUNE 27th! That would have been nice to know 2 weeks ago when I still had time to find and order a new sink! Needless to say that was a little long to be without a sink in my new kitchen so I canceled the order and began searching for a new sink. Jon and I finally decided that we would have to give up the idea of a specially made corner sink and go with something different. We ended up choosing a one basin sink that was nice and deep and would fit in the corner spot I had created in my kitchen plans. It ended up being $150 cheaper than my original sink, so that is nice on the budget. Although we also had to choose a new faucet for the new design of sink and the one we liked was $50 MORE than the first one, we still came out $100 less on the budget.
We headed over to Home Depot around 10am, We wanted to see the sinks before committing We also chose the second cabinet color and fixed some errors in the cabinet order. We managed to fit all the remaining wall cabinets in the van so we left Home Depot with a since of accomplishment and a full trunk.
After our trip to the store we headed over to Chick-fil-a. I had promised the kids that if they behaved at HD that I would let them go to an indoor playground (it was raining) so they choose C-f-a. We all had lunch then we headed home to put Wes to bed and get some work done.
Jon worked on covering the beam we exposed with drywall and filling in the gap in the wall by the fridge, also left when we pulled out the wall. I worked on emptying the kitchen. I had to pull everything out of the kitchen, food, dishes, small appliances, everything! That took a good long while but I still had time to start mudding Jon's new drywall before taking Ella to Karate. Once she was done, we stopped at home depot AGAIN! to get a drill bit that would work for the screws that were holding the old cabinets on the wall. While we were gone, Jon had scraped the rest of the popcorn off the ceiling and called to ask for some ceiling paint as well. Once home we pulled the cabinets off the wall, and then Jon painted the ceiling while I worked some more on the mudding and taping. At 6 we took a break to go eat dinner at Nana's house. THANKS MOM!
When we got back it was bed time for the kiddo's so we did that, then we needed to empty the van so I could pick up yet more stuff from Home Depot tomorrow. While I was carrying one of the wall cabinets, i tripped over something and fell hard... right on top of the cabinet. I skinned both my knees, both my elbows, the tops of several of my toes and since I fell on the cabinet, I also bruised my rib area when I hit the edge on my way down. Unfortunately the cabinet fared as badly as I did, one side popped partly off, two of the edges were damaged and of course, it fell doors down on to the concrete, so they got scratched as well. Jon thinks we can still use the cabinet, he hammered the side back in, the edges won't show, and he thinks we can sand out the scratches. Ugh, I knew things were going too well! Now I hurt!
I decided to work through the pain and I finished all the mudding of the drywall. Now I just have to sand and paint it once it dries. Tomorrow, Jon has to go to work but Dad is coming over and we are going to try to get a bunch done. I can't wait to see the final product!

I was enjoying reading this until the part where you got hurt! I'm glad the cabinet isn't too broken, I hope you aren't either. It looks so different, can't wait for the final product :] Sucks about the sink though, but the one you have is still rather nice!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this too! And OUCH! Hope it all heals quickly. I am on pins and needles waiting to see what it all looks like together. :)