Thursday, March 23, 2017

Regional science fair.

James and i spent the majority of today with nana working on craft stuff. We sold 3 easter baskets! We only got 2.5 done today but we still have time. Jon had a dr. Appt today so james and i had to pick the kids up from Chess club.  We had a quick dinner then we dropped the boys off at moms and headed over to the regional science fair. Elinor was 1 of 5 5th grade students chosen from her school science fair to participate. The judging happened earlier durong school hours and now it was time to pick up her board and see hiw she did. Unfortunately elinor didn't win a prize. She was bitterly disappointed . after consoling her we gathered her things and toook her out for ice cream befor going home. I hope she can understand that she still did a good job, even if she didnt win. Now its karate time befor bed.

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