Today was a quiet day. My pain levels are really good, I got my Catheter and IV out and am doing much better than I thought. The Dr says I am doing so good, I should be able to go home tomorrow, a whole day early! We had some visitors today, Jutta, Hannah and Amanda, and the kids with mom and dad. It was so nice to see our friends. James continues to be a quiet calm baby, and he is doing much better at eating now.
Last night we put the kids to bed at Nana and grandpa's house and headed home to finish packing for the hospital. we went to bed early as we had to be at the hospital by 5:30 am today.
Things went well this morning, We got to the hospital on time, got prepped for surgery and at 7:39am this morning James Ivan Carlson was born weighing 7lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. he has fuzzy blond hair and blue eyes. Recovery went really well, and it wasn't long before we were put up in our room. It is a nice big one at the end of the hall. I spent most of the day resting, the drugs really took it out of me! James is by far the quietest of our three babies, content to sleep and chill. He hasn't cried since they first pulled him out. We are still working on breast feeding, right now he has very little interest in eating but is content all the same.
Mom brought the kids by around 1pm. They were both THRILLED to meet their new baby brother. it was so cute to see them holding and loving on James. They are going to be fantastic with him! Wes was so proud to be allowed to hold the baby and marveled over all his tiny pieces.
Now that the quilt is done I can finally call the nursery done too. I didn't get to do an actual nursery for Ella or Wesley, so it was fun to spend a little bit of time making James' room nice. I based the room off the fabric from his quilt and I love the way the little touches turned out! It isn't a fancy room with matching furniture and toys but I love it anyway.
Since I could potentially be in the Hospital on Wesley's birthday, and even if I am not, I won't be up to a big celebration so we decided to do Wesley's family party the night before my C-section. We started the evening with presents! He loved all his gifts, especially the beanbag that Ella gave him. He wanted to go to a "Jumping place", unfortunately, the two places in Madison have recently closed down so we took him to KidVenture instead. It is a large indoor playground and the kids had a BLAST. There was lots of spinning and running and playing. After a hour or two we headed over to Pizza Inn for dinner. We finished the night at Nana and Grandpa's house for Cake. Wesley wanted a Mario cake and our friend Megan gave us some figures to put on the cake. After cake, the kids went to bed at Nana's house and Jon and I got ready to go to the hospital, I think Wesley had a good birthday party.