I am so sad that it is over. This past Wednesday Mom and I went to the local theater and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one, and followed that by going to the midnight showing of part 2. It was AMAZING! but I felt a little let down after the show. I went again with Jon the next day at a more reasonable hour, and was lucky enough to go again Saturday with our babysitter, instead of paying her for watching the kids on Friday, I took her to see the movie on Saturday. It was even better the second and third times. I can't believe that the adventure is over. Sure, I can still read the books and watch the movies, but there will be no more anticipation, no more counting the weeks, days and hours until the next book or movie. I was feeling sad about the end, so I decided that I would finally start on a quilt for myself. Last year I made Jon, Wes and Ella all quilts but never got around to mine. I couldn't figure out what fabrics or style I wanted. Now I know, I have decided to make a Harry Potter quilt for myself. That way I can keep Harry around a bit longer. I looked around online and found a couple of AMAZING patterns for "paper pieced" quilts. I read up on it and decided that paper piecing was a little much for me. I could tell right away that I wasn't going to have the patience to do that intricate work. I still wanted to do a quilt so I decided I would go the applique route, I know how to applique and it is not to time consuming so I started planning, got some fabric last night after the kids went to bed and then started cutting. I got 10 squares cut and ironed onto the squares and called it a night at about 11. This morning I wanted to get them sewed on so I worked on that and got 8 done before I ran out of thread. Ooops!
I am so very excited about this quilt. I am going to make it king sized if I can, and I have several Harry potter fabrics I am going to use as borders around the squares and the edging. This is going to be the best quilt ever!
First up, Quiddich!


and of course the quaffel

Can't play quidditch without the broom!

Ink pot and quill

Trelawny's crystal ball (I will be adding a teacup to this one once I get the fabric)

A little polyjuice potion is never a bad idea.

Must have a wand!

The two I have ironed but not sewn are the sorting hat

and the whomping willow

They aren't perfect (I cut them all free hand) but I love them anyway. I can't wait to see the finished thing!
haha, they look great sis!
ReplyDeleteI still haven't seen the last movie... kind of putting it off?? crazyness.
They all look fantastic so far!!! So excited to see the end results!