Monday, July 25, 2011

All together now!

So after sewing 60 applique blocks and 12 embroidered spells in 7 days I finished putting the quilt top together today. Each block is outlined in a blue fabric with "HP" all over it. Next step is to cut the white boarder strips and embroider the Hogwarts school song on that, then sew it onto the quilt top and then into the home stretch with putting on the back and quilting it.

One of the spell squares and a good view of my HP fabric.

and the quilt top in full, ignore all the toys, I kicked Wes out of the living room to take these shots.

I am incredibly proud of myself!


  1. You are fast!!! I'm impressed! I didn't know you did quilting, or sewing. What a fun quilt of all those fun memories!
