My Mother-in-law served a Mission for our church in Virginia a few years ago. She has always told us that Dogwoods remind her of her mission, and how much she loved them. I suppose they don't have many dogwood trees in Utah. She usually comes out to visit us here in Alabama once a year in the spring time. By the hand of cruel fate, it usually ends up being right before the full blooming of the dogwoods, or at the bedraggled end of their blooming. I don't think she has managed to be here during the best part yet! Well, this year I wanted to do something special for her birthday, so I decided to take some pictures of the dogwood blossoms in full bloom. Well, I can't decide which ones I like best, so I thought I would post them here for you, Laura, and let you pick.
Laura, Let me know which ones you like the best, and what size you would prefer to have them in and I will get them printed up for you. There is no quantity or size limit, so just tell me what you want the most!

What a great gift! They're all so beautiful. Let me look around my house and see what would look best. Thank you! Laura