I absolutely love getting to see Ella's pictures from school. I love her artwork! Here are a few that I have gotten recently that I thought were great.
The children were evidently asked to write a sentence about the paper plate ladybugs that they made.
Ella wrote: I'm the Fashionable Ladybug. I have 6 spots."
The same day she brought home this paper, which says:
"the fashionable?!?!?! Ladybug. Bonjour said the fashionable ladybug." I LOVE that it says Bonjour!
This next one is a picture of our family at the movie theater. I love how she really thinks about what she is drawing. If you look at the left, there is an "erased" picture of a figure in a chair facing the screen. I love that she tried to draw it from above/behind. I guess she didn't like the way it came out, so she switched to side views of us, but i like that she put thought into how it would "really" look. I am not that good of an artist!
This picture says" This is what I did. I went to the movie theater."
This last one takes a bit more explaining, but I love it because of her attention to detail. She explained the picture to me as this. The bad guy in the air plane was trying to shoot the cat, so the little girl was saving the cat and she shot the guy in the air plane and he fell out and died, and the cat was saved.
What I love about this picture is the stages of falling the "bad guy" went through. I especially love the third falling picture down, where he is falling backwards, with his back arched and his feet and head up, he is yelling "Help" it really looks like a guy falling through the air, also the first falling guy, is really good. I also like that he fell on his face, one the ground and says "aw". I don't' think I paid as much attention to detail when I was in Kindy. I sure love this girl!
LOL This is fantastic and adorable!!!!!!