The best baby sitter in the world AKA Hannah is working this summer at the Nashville Zoo as a "Zoo Teen" She gets to hang around the park and share information about the animals with visitors. Next year, she will get to actually work with the animals! Since her family was going to have to drive her the 2 hours up to TN once a week all summer, they decided to buy a pass to the zoo so they could enjoy it while Hannah worked. They get to bring up to 2 guests with them into the park for free, so today Wesley, James and I were invited to tag along to keep Hannah's mom and brother company. Ella is still with Mom in KY, so she didn't go with us. It was great, except for the fact that we had to leave at the crack of dawn! We had to be up and ready to go and at Hannah's house by 7:15. Then the long drive up. After we got there we had a great time. Welsey and Liam were mostly good, they had fun looking at the animals for the first half of the day, then they got whiney! Wesley's favorite part was the Lorakeet atriam where you coudl see, feed and touch the birds, the carousl and the Dinosaur walk. The Dino walk was $6 extra to go through, but the animatronic dinos were really neat and realisitc. We got to see hannah at the end of the walk with her friend, the baby T-rex. She tried to convince the boys that the baby was a real dino, but I don't think they bought it. After hannah was done with her shift she joined us for the last bit of our walk around the zoo then we headed home. It was a very fun day! I am so glad to have such nice friends to spend the day doing something fun with.