Tuesday, June 16, 2020

On the road to lake ahquabi iowa

Thankfully evvie slept much better last night and only woke up once in the night but only briefly and stayed asleep till after 6. As soon as we were all up and dressed we started breaking down camp. We discovered that some "friends" (raccoons?) Visited in the night and had a feast. They ate our breakfast donuts and managed up unzip our lunch cooler and stole several lunches. Dad and Evvie lost their sandwiches, the cherries were raided, and several bags of chips and cookies were stolen. Rude little trash pandas. It took us about 2 hours to pack everything back into the trailer and eat breakfast and get on the road.  As we were leaving the campground Dad saw a turtle on the side of the road. I hopped out to pick it up so the kids could see it without unloading everyone. When i picked him up... He PEED. Like a HUGE stream of pee. Luckily i was fast and he missed me. Little stinker.
We drove a long time today. We passed through st. Louis and got to see the arch from the highway. St. Louis was supposed to be our first stop on the road trip but because of the carona shutdowns nothing is open there yet so a drive by was all we got.

Later in the day after many hours in the car we stopped at another little road side attraction a thresher museum. We only had an hour and a half to explore so we had to go pretty quick. One big barn had lots of historical artifacts from the history of farming. I liked the display about the role of farmer wives and all the work they did. The kids favorite part was the other barn, where 100's of old steam powered tractors (and other tractors) were kept. The kids were allowed to climb on them and pretend to drive too. After the museum we got back on the road for another 2 hours to our campground. Because it was so late dad grabbed us some pizzas to eat in the car. We got our campsite set up pretty quick, since we only unloaded the tents and cots. Once we were set up, it was pretty much time for bed. Tomorrow we head out to south dakota and the corn palace.

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